Mt. Baker Chapter of SHRM

Below is a list of all positions that serve on the Board of the Mt Baker Chapter of SHRM.

Board meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month from 5:30pm-7:00pm. We expect Board members to attend monthly Board meetings and attend the monthly luncheons.

Click on the position to see a full job description.  Board positions serve from January-December of each year, and elections are held in Nov/Dec each year.  Some positions require SHRM membership or a certification.  If you are interested in learning more about volunteering on the Mt Baker SHRM Board, or about any of these positions, please email  We'd love you have you join us!

President - This position serves as the Chapter's chief administrative, managerial, and executive officer to provide leadership to the Chapter and to assure the smooth operation of Chapter activities.

President Elect - This position assists the President in overseeing all the activities of the chapter.  In the absence of the President, performs all the Presidential responsibilities.

Past President - This position serves as an adviser for the Executive Board and is responsible for annual election of board members and chapter bylaws.

Membership Director - This position serves the chapter by recruiting new members, answering questions about membership, and maintaining accurate membership records.

Programs Director - The position serves by managing the activities of the program committee to provide monthly programs and sponsorship to chapter members.

Secretary - This position serves the Chapter by taking minutes and maintaining records of Executive Board meetings.

Treasurer - This position serves the Chapter by providing monthly financial information to the Board of Directors, as well as works the registration/check-in desk at the monthly luncheons and workshops.

Certification Director - This position serves to promote, educate, and inform interested parties in certification through the Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI) and considers/recommends the chapter's Member of the Year.

Communications & Technology Director - This position serves to increase the visibility and promote the professionalism of the Mt Baker Chapter of SHRM within the community through use of available media resources and will promote, educate, and inform interested parties of the Mt Baker Chapter's goals, programs and activities utilizing up-to-date technology.  Serves as coordinator of information and will develop, implement, and maintain the Mt Baker Chapter's website.

Community Relations Director - This position serves in managing the chapter's community outreach efforts.

Events Director - The position serves by managing major events and activities outside of normal monthly programs.

Legislative Director - This position serves the Chapter by providing regular information on key legislative issues.

SHRM Foundation Director - This position serves the Chapter by promoting and representing the interest of the SHRM Foundation and its activities to the local chapter including fund raising, education, and championing the Foundation.

Workforce Readiness & Diversity Director - This position serves the Chapter by providing regular information on diversity and diversity issues.  May participate in the planning of the October diversity program (along with the VP of Programs).

Many of our Board positions can include co-directors or co-chairs to assist in distributing the workload of our various Chapter responsibilities.  If you are interested in becoming a member of the Board of the Mt Baker Chapter of SHRM, please email us at

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