Join us for our annual Half-Day Workshop!
Date/Time: Thursday November 9th | 7:30am - 1:00pm | Breakfast & Lunch Included
Location: Holiday Inn Bellingham | 4260 Mitchell Way
Schedule of Events:
7:30am - Check in and breakfast
8:00am - Welcome and announcements
8:15am - Employment Law Update - Jeff Fairchild and Ian McCurdy
We will review the full array of recent employment law developments including significant legislation and case law. The session will focus on practical approaches to the latest changes and, time allowing, the particular challenge of responding to employee mental health issues appropriately.
9:30am - Break
9:45am - AI in HR: Harnessing its Power; Embracing its Challenges - Mary Cheddie
AI has been around for many decades and with advances it is now in our workplaces. AI is here to stay and will continue to play a more vital role in business.
It is important we embrace AI, find a way to use it, and use it wisely to help our people and organizations. To do this, we need to better understand the different types of AI, how we will work with it, and the good, the bad, and the we need help.
10:45am - Break
11:00am - Workplace Support for Survivors of Domestic/Sexual Violence - Susan Marks and Nikki D'Onofrio
Survivors of domestic and sexual violence need to experience economic justice as part of their path to healing and justice, and workplace supports are key to their ability to seek and maintain safety and autonomy. This presentation will review the impact of domestic violence and sexual assault on employees/survivors, the Washington State domestic violence and sexual assault leave law, and how employers can provide supports to meet survivors needs for time off, provide safety at work, and keep survivors employed.
12:00pm - Lunch and networking
Raffle: We will be raffling off various gifts, and all proceeds go to the SHRM Foundation. Tickets are $1 each or 12 tickets for $10. To purchase your raffle tickets early, go to Donate to SHRM and purchase your tickets.
Proudly Sponsored By:
Tickets on sale October 1st - October 26th.